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作者:金元期货 | 来源:郑商函〔2023〕439号 | 点击数:916 | 日期:2023-06-02








    Notice on Adjustments to Margins and Price Limits for some contracts of Methanol Futures


    To Members:


    According to Article 9 of the Measures for the Administration of Risk Control of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange(ZCE) has decided upon discussion that margins and price limits for Methanol Futures 2309 and 2401 contracts will be adjusted as follows:


    From the settlement on June 2, 2023, margins and price limits for Methanol Futures 2309 and 2401 contracts will be adjusted to 10% and ±8% respectively.


    In case the above adjusted margins and price limits vary from the current ones, the higher ones will prevail.


    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

    May 31, 2023


    Disclaimer: This English version may be used for reference only. If there is any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.